There are many forms of energy, each of which is referred to in different ways. This also applies to our own products such as HVO (XTL), B100 (BTL) and biogas (LBG), but there are also energy forms such as LPG, GtL or PtL – just to name a few. It can easily be mixed up, which is why we have tried to give a quick overview of all the different forms of energy and their abbreviations:
HVO – Hydrotreated Vegetable Oils
HVO has the abbreviation based of how it is produced – “Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil”. HVO is typically made from residues of animal fats or vegetable oils, which through high-pressure hydrogen treatment convert the oils into liquid such as synthetic diesel.
XTL – X (Everything) to liquid
XTL comes from “X to Liquid” and is the description for synthetic diesel. It typically covers the HVO label for truck manufacturers, which refers to the transformation of various oils and fats into synthetic diesel fluid.
BTL – Biomass to liquid
BTL, which stands for “Biomass to Liquid”, is where different crops and biomass through gasification and subsequent synthesis convert the crops into liquid such as biodiesel.
LBG – Liquefied biogas
LBG stands for “Liquefied BioGas” and is gas that comes from biomass such as manure, compost, and residual crops from agriculture.
LNG – Liquefied natural gas
LNG, which abbreviation covers the words “Liquefied Natural Gas”, is fossil natural gas from the underground that is pumped up to the surface and used for heating and fuel.
LPG – Liquefied propane gas
LPG is a by-product of refining crude oil or natural gas, and the abbreviation stands for “Liquefied Propane Gas” or “Liquefied Petroleum Gas”. LPG is a fossil gas type that can be used for everything from heating and fuel to gas grills and hair spray.
GTL – Gas to liquid
GTL or “Gas to Liquid” is produced from fossil natural gas for liquid hydrocarbons, which acts as a form of “synthetic crude oil”, which is fractionated into a paraffin product that can be used as diesel fuel, which has very good cooling properties.
PTL – Power to liquid
PTL also referred to as “Power to Liquid” is where electricity, water and CO2 are used as resources. Through electrolysis the energy is then converted into liquid.
PTX – Power to X (everything)
PTX or “Power to X” has been mentioned a lot lately and is in principle the same use of electrification, water, CO2, and electrolysis, as described with PtL, but instead of necessarily converting the energy into liquid, it can be converted into several different fuels and chemicals, such as hydrogen, methane, methanol, e-diesel and e-petrol.
FAME – Fatty acid methyl ester
FAME is the abbreviation for “Fatty Acid Methyl Esther” and it refers to the general chemical term for biodiesel extracted from renewable resources.
Do you have questions about HVO100 Renewable Diesel, B100 Biodiesel RME Premium or biogas? Discover our products here
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