HVO100 Renewable Diesel is a synthetic and fossil-free biofuel that can be used as an alternative to regular diesel. Some have heard of HVO over time, but there are some things you maybe did not know:
Why is it called HVO?
HVO stands for Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil, as it is made by mixing vegetable oils or animal fats with hydrogen at high temperatures and pressures.
How long has HVO existed?
HVO as a blend product for diesel has been on the market for about 15 years and the pure HVO100 has been on the market since 2015.
Who is the largest producer of HVO?
Neste, which also is a Biofuel Express partner, is the world’s largest producer of HVO. Neste has its origins in Finland and actually started as an oil refinery but is now one of the biggest players in the global market when it comes to renewable energy.
What does HVO consist of?
As a starting point, it is often said that HVO consists of residues and waste from, for example, the fish and meat industry. But HVO can consist of many different things, such as:
What proportion of HVO is residues and waste?
For HVO100 Neste MY Renewable Diesel, about 80% consists of residues and waste, and the remaining 20% is made from vegetable oils. But work is constantly being done to make the product even better and thus let the waste part fill even more.
Why can CO2 reduction vary with HVO?
This is essentially about the different compositions of the raw materials used to develop HVO. The proportions of the individual raw materials vary from year to year depending on the availability of the raw materials, price, and specific market requirements.
What does the future hold for HVO?
Much work is being done to scale the green products, and in particular HVO. Therefore, a lot is also done into building new refineries so that the production can be scaled up, but also into finding, researching and developing HVO based on new raw materials. Among other things, algae, plastic, and other things.
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