Biofuel Express

Carbon Credits Program

Empowering Emissions Reduction

At Biofuel Express, we offer a dynamic solution for companies looking to take control of their carbon footprint and contribute to a sustainable future. Our carbon credits program provides a pathway for both large corporations and smaller hauling companies to actively engage in emissions reduction strategies while optimizing their operational costs.

For Large Corporations
For large companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint, our carbon credits program offers an approach known as "carbon insetting" and addresses "Scope 3 emissions" associated with transport of goods. With years of expertise in developing and implementing fuel strategies tailored to minimize CO2 emissions, we partner with organisations to design comprehensive solutions that align with their sustainability goals. By leveraging our experience and resources, companies can effectively manage their emissions while maintaining operational efficiency.

For Smaller Hauling Companies
Small hauling companies seeking to transition to more sustainable fuel alternatives can benefit from our carbon credits program by monetising their emissions reductions. Whether you're currently using regular diesel and considering a switch to biofuel or exploring other environmentally friendly options, selling carbon credits presents an opportunity to offset the cost differentials. By participating in our program, hauling companies can transform their sustainability efforts into a profitable venture, making the transition to cleaner fuels financially feasible.

Why choose Our Carbon Credits Program

  • Expert Guidance
    Benefit from our years of experience in developing fuel strategies and emissions reduction initiatives tailored to your specific needs.

  • Cost-Effective Solutions
    Our program offers a pathway to reduce emissions without compromising on operational efficiency, ensuring that sustainability initiatives align with your budgetary considerations.

  • Monetize Emissions Reductions
    Smaller hauling companies can generate additional revenue by selling carbon credits, effectively offsetting the costs associated with transitioning to cleaner fuels.

  • Contributing to a Sustainable Future
    By participating in our carbon credits program, companies of all sizes play a vital role in mitigating climate change and promoting environmental stewardship.

How our carbon credits program works

Agreement on CO2 reduction

As a company you agree on your GHG reduction goals and initiatives. Biofuel Express can act as partner in this process.

Fossil free transportation

Your GHG reduction goals are put into action in your company's daily operations – either by use of own fleet or through sub-contractors.

Registration and verification

Our Biofuel Express Insight platform gathers your company’s fuel consumption.

Allocation and proof of reduction

Proof of sustainability is allocated and issued to your company. Documentation is available for download and distribution to relevant stakeholders.

Biofuel Express Insight 
Sustainability Made Easy

Biofuel Express Insight presents easy overview of fuel consumption, full sustainability transparency and documentation with just a few clicks.

Its purpose is to provide full insight and thereby work as a tool to reduce their climate impact, as well as document the achieved CO2 savings. In this way, the customers can meet the increased environment and climate requirements of today and in the future:

  • Follow the CO2 reductions
  • Track fuel consumption in real time
  • Download Sustainability reports
  • Insight into raw materials and its origin

Get Started Today

Ready to take control of your emissions and unlock the benefits of our carbon credits program? Contact us today to learn more about how we can tailor a solution to meet your organization's unique needs and goals.

Join us in driving positive change and building a greener, more sustainable future with Biofuel Express Carbon Credits Program.